2 It’s not a priority for me at this time.
3 I'd rather stick needles in my eyes.
4 Or your eyes.
5 My schedule...is up in the right now.
6 I don’t love it, which means I’m not the person for it.
7 I would prefer another option.
8 I would prefer a night with Keanu reeves, but that’s just me. NEVER MIND.
9 I love it, but i know in my gut I’m not the person to execute.
10 I would be the absolute worst person to execute, are you on crack?
11 life is too short TO DO THINGS YOU don’t LOVE,
12 I no longer do things that make me want to kill myself.
13 you should do this yourself, you would be awesome sauce.
14 My lady balls are not that big.
15 I would love to say yes to everything, but
16 Fuck no. that would be stupid.
17 I am disturbed by your excessive use of smiley faces :)
18 Some things have come up that need my attention.
19 My instincts tell me I’m just not suitable for this.
20 There is a person who totally kicks ass at this. I AM NOT THAT PERSON.
21 It would cause the slow withering death of my soul.
22 We should rethink this.
23 We should have the wild monkey sex. I DIDN'T TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD
24 Shoot me now.
25 I didn’t mean literally shoot me. You moron.
25 Badass Ways to Say No
1. No, thank you.
2. I’d
rather stick hot coals in my eyes.
Uh-uh. You must be
crazy. 4.
That shit be whack.
5. My
schedule is full right now.
6. My Magic 8-Ball says “Ask Again Later.”
7. Like much later - Like
I don’t want to.
I would be the absolute worst 10. You
must be on crack.
person for that job.
Seriously? (Maniacal
12. All signs point to NO.
13. During
Mercury Retrograde? That would be a terrible mistake.
14. Sorry, my Spirit Guides think
that’s an idiotic idea.
15. I consulted my Tarot,
and 16. I
prefer to spend time doing
both the Tower and Death things I love, and I don’t love
came up. Sorry. that idea.
17. Taking
on that project would cause
my soul to slowly
wither and die.
The STARS are not aligned at
this time; I’m in a Season of No.
19. That doesn’t sound 20. I love the idea,
something that fits but I’m
just not the
my Life
Purpose. Right person for it.
I’d rather go out with Angelina Jolie. Seriously – do you have her number?
22. [Said in Darth
Vader Voice]: There are times in life where you
given a rare opportunity to
make a great difference.
This is not one of those times.
23. I prefer not to waste my Life Energy on that type of
24. Fuck No.
Squirrel! (run away)
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